Data Migration and Management

If you are using silos of legacy applications which require transformation, and migration to a modern SaaS platform, our team of experts can support, you migrating to SaaS Platform. Peopleomatic platform manages your entire employee, customer, provider and enterprise processes and brings them into a single view of operation intelligence.

UI/UX Experience Building

If you are looking for UI/UX experience building for your product, our team can help you build various persona and user journey experience.

Cloud Solution

SMACGLOBAL is working in the area of intelligent product development, if you are looking for great and extending near or offshore team member, we are happy to support and collaborate as partner in product development.

Train you on best practices we've picked up from other enterprise customers.

  • 20+ Combined Experience


  • 100+ Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud Solution Engineer's

    Talent Network

  • 20 Globally serving

    Client +

Meet The Team

We work to build your customer experience better


Founder- Business Development


Founder - Business Solutions


Founder - Solution Architect


Founder - HR & Operation

Get In Touch
IN : +91-7428907017 / GL : +1 - 2894998619