This policy is limited to the information SMACGlobal Business collects from its marketing campaigns, sales activities, and promotional activities including direct mail, direct sales, telesales, email, and our website or its social network. Business’s website may contain links to websites related to various vendors and partners. While we try to link only to websites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices of other websites. Our hyperlinks are not an endorsement of any other website. When on other websites, even though you may have linked to them through the Business website, the privacy policies of those sites prevail.
Your Consent
It is always your choice whether or not to provide personal information to our website and social network. Any personal information you provide will be treated with care, and subject to this policy, will not be used or disclosed in ways to which you have not consented. You may opt-out of certain uses and disclosures of your personal information, as explained below. By submitting your personal information to us, you signify your consent to Business’s use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy. By using our website, you also consent to the collection and use of anonymous information as discussed below.
Personal Information We Collect
The information we gather can include but is not limited to: Your name, organization, title, e-mail address, and phone number.   Depending upon the transaction we may also require credit information as well as billing information.  At times we may ask you to complete certain forms or surveys that gather information about you and your business and your opinions or comments. If receive correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if third parties send us correspondence about your activities, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.
Website Non-Identifiable Information
We sometimes collect non-identifiable information from visits to our website. In general, anyone can visit our website without telling us who he/she is or revealing any information about the business or personal needs. Unless you complete an online form, our web servers may collect anonymous, non-identifiable information about you such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the IP address of your Internet service provider, the date and time you access our website, the Internet address of the website from which you may have linked to our website, the operating system you are using, the sections or areas of our website that you visit, the website pages read and images viewed, and the content you download from our website, but not the e-mail addresses of visitors. Our website logs IP addresses and browser information for purposes of system administration, identifying technical difficulties, evaluating traffic patterns and usage of our website, and otherwise providing content relevant to visitors to our website. It may be aggregated to measure certain information, including without limitation the number of visits, average time spent on our website, and related user practices. In general, we will use this information to measure the use of our website and to improve our website and the benefits that you can get from using our website. Your non-identifiable information may also be disclosed to others and permanently archived for future use.
Cookies and Other Technologies
A technology called “cookies” may be used to provide you with tailored information. A cookie is a tiny element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may be stored on your hard drive, not on our website. Cookies enhance the convenience and use of our website. For example, the information provided through cookies is used to recognize you as a previous user of our website, offer personalized web page content and information for your use, track your activity at our website to better respond to your needs, and otherwise facilitate your website experience. Some cookies are “session cookies,” meaning that they are deleted shortly after the end of a session. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case, you may not be able to use certain features on our website or engage in transactions through our website, and you may be required to re-ente your information more frequently during a session.
We may use non-personal information to create aggregate tracking information reports regarding website user demographics, website traffic patterns, and website data collection, and then provide those reports to others. Tracking information in the reports is not connected to the identities or other personal information of individual users and in no way violates your privacy.
How We Use Your Personal Information; Right to Opt-Out
Your personal information is intended to be used only by Business employees and the others specified in this policy in accordance with this policy below to provide services, respond to requests, verify name and address, provide account information, pricing and other sales related information, to improve our offerings and to generally support your use of our services and our website. Personal information we collect may be used to enhance the benefits that you receive from Business in the following ways:

  • Provide our services to you.
  • Confirm credit-worthiness.
  • Bill your credit card.
  • Confirm your orders.
  • Respond to your customer-service inquiries or requests.
  • Respond to help desk or service issues
  • Monitor, service and collect your account.
  • Communicate special offers to you, if you chose to receive such notices.
  • Enhance our website operation and efficiency.
  • Inform you by email, fax or mail of Business’s products, services, upcoming events or other items you may find interesting.
At any time you may ask us to stop sending you emails or mail by contacting us by email at Each unsolicited email or mail item that we send to you will tell you how to decline further unsolicited emails or mail. In general, we use information in the file we maintain about you and your business to evaluate current and past activities, resolve disputes, and troubleshoot problems.

Use, Disclosure, and Transfer of Personal Data
Personal information about our customers is an important part of business and is not in the business of selling that personal information to others. We share customer information only with the parties described below:

Disclosure to Agents & Suppliers.
We may use third-party agents, suppliers, and service providers to facilitate the provision of our products and services. For example, we may outsource the operations of one or more aspects of our website to a supplier or service provider who performs services according to our requirements. In some instances, the service provider may collect information directly from you (such as the situation where we ask a service provider to conduct a survey or contest for us). In order to provide certain services, we may disclose some of your personal information to certain service providers, such as our agents, your credit card issuer or to a processing or authorization company to charge you for the services. We endeavour to restrict by contract how these agents, suppliers and service providers may access, use, and disclose your information. In general, these agents, suppliers and service providers agree that they will not sell your information to third parties. Since we want to service your business needs, we encourage our associates in business to follow privacy practices no less protective of all users than the practices we describe in this policy.

Disclosure to business partners.
We may provide your personal information to certain companies with which we have developed a business relationship and which we believe can be of service to you. Before personal information is disclosed, the recipient organization will agree with us to protect the privacy of your personal information in a manner that is consistent with this policy. Recipient organizations may use your personal information to provide you with email or other information about their products and services and other matters. If at any time you do not wish us to make any further disclosure of your personal information to such organizations, please notify us at using the form at the bottom of this page.

Disclosure in Business Transfers.
If in the future we should sell or transfer some or all of the  Business organization or merge with another entity, as part of that transaction, we may disclose your personal information to the other entity but will require the entity to agree to protect the privacy of your personal information in a manner that is consistent with this policy.

Law Enforcement & Legal Disclosure.
We may disclose your personal information (a) to a government institution that has asserted its lawful authority to obtain the information, (b) where we have reasonable grounds to believe the information could be useful in the investigation of unlawful activity (c) where we have reasonable grounds to believe that disclosing such information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating a contract with us or violating the terms of use of our website or may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other SMACGlobal , or  Business customers, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities, (d) to comply with legislation, or (e) to comply with a subpoena or warrant or an order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information or to comply with court rules regarding the production of records and information. We will only disclose that information which we are compelled to disclose and no other. We may disclose your personal information to our legal counsel, auditors, and consultants to permit them to perform professional services for us.

Data Security and Integrity
When you provide personal data to us through our website such data is stored on secure servers that are protected by this Policy. To help protect the confidentiality of your personal information, we employ security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. No data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. We will strive to protect your personal information, Business cannot warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online that information can be collected and used by others.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
SMACGlobal or Business reserves the right to change this Policy from time to time and at its sole discretion. Any amendments we make to this Policy will apply to your personal information from the time we post the amendment on our website. It is your responsibility to regularly check our website for amendments to this Policy. You agree to be bound by amendments when posted on our website. Your use, or continued use, of the Business website, is consent to the collection and use of your information in accordance with the published policy.
Location of Information
We may securely store your personal information in-house at a Business office in Noida, India, as well as the locations of various contracted vendors. 

Retention of Personal Information
We will keep Personal Information only as long as it is necessary. When the Personal Information is no longer required it will be destroyed.
Access and Accuracy

Upon receiving a written request, and subject to any applicable exemptions,  Business will inform you of the current version of the Personal Information and will give you access to that information and the opportunity to correct any errors in it. Access requests should be sent to our support team by filling out the form at the bottom of this page or by mail at